The Safety

The Defining Factor of Carboniferous

Carboniferous’s  safety goes beyond mere carbon reduction; it encompasses proactive measures that promote carbon sequestration, ecosystem preservation, responsible material management, and quality conditions for our  staff. By prioritizing safety at every stage of the process, we establish a robust foundation for long term solutions.

Carboniferous is rigorously testing it’s ABC’S in both laboratory and real world experiments. We’re working to experimentally verify that we achieve 1,000-year+ permanence and do not contribute to atmospheric methane release. Multiple lines of evidence are required to prove the method and monitor our operations.

Climate Safety

If you view the yearly Mauno Loa time series of CO2 (on the right) you’ll see that each year there is a large annual variation in atmospheric CO2 levels. The variation is caused by the early growing cycle as plants absorb CO2 in the spring and summer, and then release that CO2 as they decompose in the winter. Our fundamental ‘job’ at Carboniferous is to determine if we can safely and permanently sequester this annual variation in Earth’s CO2 levels via ABC’S - effectively enabling nature to ‘heal herself’.

Material Safety

All biomass considered for use in ABC’S starts as crop byproducts, the leftover stems and stalks after  harvest. By choosing crop byproducts we reduce the chance of adding unnatural materials to the oceans. To ensure safety we follow up with rigorous  testing to ensure that there are no harmful levels of pesticides or chemicals added to the ocean. We only sequester 100% plant derived material. We are happy to provide pesticide testing reports to government and commercial partners.

Ecosystem Safety

We care deeply about safety for both terrestrial and marine ecosystems. ABC’S minimizes risks to benthic and deep-ocean animal communities by avoiding the environments in which they can live. Anoxic basins are  physically restricted, which means changes to the environment are localized and unable to spread over large areas. This dramatically reduces project risks relative to other pathways that operate in the open, interconnected, more physically dynamic ocean. Additionally, because microbes in this environment primarily respire sulfate, the environment will not experience major changes in oxygenation or pH, which are critical concerns in oxic systems. Finally, in contrast with CDR approaches that use marine biomass, ABC’S does not significantly perturb the marine nutrient cycle. On land, approaches are well established to manage and correct for the loss of the small quantities of nutrients trapped in the biomass materials.

Employee Safety

Employee and worker safety is critical to us at Carboniferous.  We work to establish a culture of safety to ensure we can keep our people safe while sequestering carbon at scale.

Guiding Principles

Guiding Principles
We judge all of our activities according to a set of public guiding principles.
Our Ethics
Empowering natural carbon sequestration potential. Explore the possibilities with us.
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